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Celebrating a Milestone: Creative Solutions Consulting Turns 1 This Month

One year ago, I embarked on a terrifying journey. A journey I knew that would be riddled with challenges, obstacles, and risks. One that strikes fear into the heart of the brave, and is bound to test one’s patience, endurance, and sanity. Yes, one year ago, I started my own business. Since christening Creative Solutions Consulting with a bottle of Cristal (or was it Baby Duck?), I’ve been pouring everything I have into growing my business. Between marketing, networking, and client work, it’s been a proverbial roller coaster, with all the highs and lows that developing a business brings. Without a doubt, it’s been the most exhilarating year of my life. Along with the wins we’ve earned along the way, I’ve met some truly incredible people. These entrepreneurs have mentored me, made me laugh, and offered support when I needed it the most. Without them, I couldn’t imagine where my business would be today. I’d like to thank them personally here, and in no particular order of importance. Richard Todd, The Editor’s Desk. Not just a fantastic copywriter, Richard has also proven to be a reliable, trustworthy business ally. We’ve referred business to one another, worked on projects together, and he always answers my grammar-related questions quickly and with characteristic wit.

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Trevor Tynes, Academic Ads. It’s great when you work with like-minded people who share your sense of humour. Trevor fits the bill perfectly. Whether he’s sharing my social media posts with his audience, or researching SEO topics for me, Trevor has been a great partner to work with.

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Gloria Pierre, Clearly Speaking. I’m so lucky to have met Gloria. Always positive and supportive, she’s been my sounding board when I needed it the most. Gloria and I started a Meetup group together for female self-starting entrepreneurs. We both share the same values for not only helping women, but also for giving back to an entrepreneurial community that has been very good to us.

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Rob Case, RTC Digital Marketing Services. When I needed help with digital advertising and fun, techie stuff, Rob was there. He’s also been a big supporter of mine on social media, and I can’t wait to be a guest on his radio show. Call me...

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Bruce Mayhew, Bruce Mayhew Consulting. Bruce has never wasted time pandering to me. He tells it straight, which is how I need to hear it. A very smart, optimistic, and charismatic straight shooter, I’ve trusted his guidance from the very start.

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Angelo Dodaro, Multivitamin Media. With a brilliant marketing mind, Angelo has shared his creative, analytical, forward-thinking marketing opinions with a “devil’s advocate” type of approach. Bouncing marketing and social media ideas off of him is always time well spent. I love our off-the-wall bantering and brainstorming.

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When someone asks what business success means to me, the people I’ve met instantly come to mind. That’s because in the entrepreneurial community, much of our success can be measured by the partnerships we make and the people that we choose to surround ourselves with. In that regard, I have been truly successful indeed. Thank you to everyone who has made this year so amazing! You really mean the world to me!

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