A huge part of navigating the social media world is staying constantly up-to-date on what’s happening. Whether it’s a best practice, a platform update, or even a scandal, social media changes every day and it can be hard to keep up. One easy way of staying in the know is stacking your Twitter feed with top influencers. Following influencers on Twitter make it super easy to get relevant content without having to search for it yourself. Basically, the information comes to you!
Regardless of what industry you’re in, following top influencers on social media is the quickest and most practical way to know what’s going on in your world. If you’re a social media manager, creating a custom Twitter list (link to past blog) to be able to read what influencers are posting on Twitter can be extremely beneficial to your business and your Twitter account. There are thousands of influencers on Twitter so I’ve helped you get started with five top social media influencers you should follow right now.
Michael is the founder of the Social Media Examiner, which is a must-read for every single social media manager looking to get a better handle on best practices and what’s what in the social media world. He’s the perfect guy to follow, as he is extremely active on Twitter with over 26K tweets compiling tons of practical, relevant content. He’s not someone to shy away from sharing other people’s content and chiming in on conversations, making him an unbiased curator of social media news.
Jenn’s blog made the Social Media Examiner’s top 10 Social Media Blog list, dubbing her someone that you should definitely watch. She calls herself “The Forefront Blogger on Instagram Marketing” and her Twitter feed definitely echoes that sentiment. As a consultant and trainer, she shares content and resources she’s written, while also retweeting content from other experts she thinks you should read. With Instagram being one of those platforms that’s always changing and sometimes tough to navigate, Jenn makes it seem less daunting and breaks information down into easily digestible pieces.
Darren is a speaker, author, blogger, podcaster, and founder of ProBlogger. Isn’t that a mouthful?! In a nutshell, he’s a guy that knows what he’s talking about. When it comes to creating a blog that works, you’re going to want to take a few pointers from Darren. His Twitter feed is dedicated to the blogging world and he talks about things like building a blog that works, how to grow your audience, and the blogging lifestyle. It’s a great feed to browse if you’re hoping to use your blog to complement your social media prescience.
Peg is someone who not only loves social media, but also someone who wants to share her passion with the world. She’s the author of The Art of Social Media, a public speaker, and an Instagram and visual marketer. Her Twitter feed covers a wide range of topics and her visuals will definitely make you want to step up your social media graphic game. She’s a great person to get tips from on all things social media, so grab your coffee and skim her tweets at least once a day.
Jeff has been in the social media industry for a while, making his Twitter profile one you’ll want to get familiar with. Jeff is a #1 Content Marketing Influencer, a Social Media Marketing Strategist & Speaker, a Forbes Top 10 Social Media Influencer, and has a #1 Global Business Blog, making him incredibly knowledgeable about all things social media and digital marketing related. His Twitter feed is the perfect mix of social media tips, news, and digital marketing articles that’ll get you thinking. Jeff posts from a bunch of different sources and his feed is a wealth of information. At the end of the day, there are thousands of incredible influencers on Twitter. This list barely scratches the surface! Every day, you should try to find at least one new influencer to follow on Twitter. Make sure to @mention the people you follow and engage with them often. You never know when you’ll make a new friend or colleague. Pretty soon, you’ll have an entire community of like-minded people to chat with, share resources, and learn from.