Let’s face it, during the summer we are all in a bit of a haze. Most of us are trying to get the most out of the weekends and (while? As we’re?) running out of the office as soon as the clock hits 4:59. You may have lost the wind in your sails when it comes to your goals and may be dreading taking another crack at them, but you don’t have to! Making goals and refocusing can be both energizing and fun.
Not all goals need to start at the beginning of the year – why not use September as a starting point? Enjoy the last few weeks of summer before refocusing and ending the year with a bang. Treating yourself and relaxing is a vital part of success, so don’t feel bad if you’ve been taking it easy. Let’s talk about how to refocus after summer and how to make goal setting as fun as sipping sangria on a patio.
Make goal setting enjoyable
Many people think of goal setting as sitting down at a desk and writing a huge list of things they want to accomplish, with strict deadlines and all sorts of bullet points. If this is you, then STOP! It doesn’t have to be this way. Find somewhere that makes you happy, whether it’s lounging on a beach towel, hanging out at your favorite café in the sun, or sitting on your balcony with a glass of wine or a beer while watching the city move beneath you. Inspiration and goals are more likely to hit you if you’re open to hearing them, and that can only be done if you’re in a positive place – mentally and physically.
Let it flow and don’t ask “when”
Goal setting does not need to be organized and it does not need deadlines. Forcing yourself to organize your thoughts and set dates can make the task of goal setting daunting. Instead, how about you just let it all out. Write a huge messy list, doodle, draw circles and charts, and leave out the dates. The more you get out, the more you can really see a trend and maybe even open your eyes to some hidden passions and dreams you haven’t realized yet. Dates are something that can really confine you as a person. Dates can leave you overwhelmed, and they can also leave you feeling defeated if you miss a deadline. Let things happen as they may. Set short term, attainable goals, and for the big ones, consider letting the deadlines come later. Create a dream board of big goals and let them happen when the timing is right.
Mix it up and keep it simple
A lot of us often gravitate towards big goals, things like getting a new job, losing weight, saving a big sum of money, raising sales by 10%, etc. It’s important to remember that while these goals are good and will keep you focused on growth and success, that small goals will help get you there even faster. If your big goal is to raise sales by 10%, what small goals can you do to get there? Maybe it’s to hire one more person, master your social media strategy, put a call-to-action on your landing page, or even something as small as getting a better conferencing line for the office. There’s no goal that’s too small to achieve. Also, think of it as a double positive – the more goals you achieve, the more fulfilled and motivated you’ll feel. This will set you up to feel ready and excited to tackle the bigger things on your list. There’s no reason to dread summer ending if you can get excited about refocusing your goals! As the weather cools down and everyone starts to go back into their offices to stay warm, you can feel ready to take on winter and end your year with a bang.