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Daily Facebook Checklist for Businesses

Growing a brand on Facebook takes time and effort, but it’s something that can easily be done with some daily commitments. Much like gardening, if you work away at it every day, your Facebook audience and brand will grow and thrive. Whether you’re a small business owner, or a community manager, there are some things you should be doing every single day to keep your Facebook brand healthy, happy, and engaged.

The sound of a daily to-do list may sound daunting but don’t worry! A lot of the things you can do daily should only take about 30 mins of time and with practice, will become common place and you won’t even realize you’re working on your brand.

Here are some daily Facebook to-dos to add to your daily checklist:


Ideally you would post daily. You want to encourage daily interaction and be top of mind to your followers. Fresh content is best content!

  • Luckily, you can schedule a bunch of posts at one time to save you the brunt of the work. On Monday, schedule all your posts for the week and voila, you’re done your posting for the week!

Tip: Upload images and videos as single posts, and don’t create new albums for all of the posts. This will help ensure that all of your content is visibly, trackable, and doesn’t get lumped into albums because people don’t click through albums.

  • Every day, check your notifications on your posts and see who has liked or commented. Reply to the comments, and also click on the names of the people who liked the post and invite them to like your page if they haven’t already. This will help you build engagement and get followers of people who are already like and are engaging with your content.


While you don’t quite have to do this daily, interacting with Pages at least a few times a week will help you get ahead. This is especially important if your target market is other business.

  • Search for a city or interest and find all of the pages that are a good fit for your target market, then “Like” the Page as Your Page. Once you like the Pages, go to your Page’s timeline and view their posts. You can like and comment on other Page’s posts and that way, more people will see your business page. You can also share their posts on your business Page to help generate more content for your audience.

  • Comment and interact with other Page’s posts. This way, their audience will see your Page name and what you have to say, and will start interacting with you so you can invite them to like your Page, and you can bring more attention to your Page organically.


Groups are great ways to interact with people who share a common interest on Facebook. Most of the time, Groups are very active and full of discussions. They’re a great place to grow an organic following.

  • Search for a city or interest and find all of the groups that fit your target market. Join the groups as you, the business owner or community manager. You cannot join a group as a Business Page. Read the rules of the group and make sure you are allowed to post and promote your business, or share information about your business posts. See what the group is all about, and focus on fitting in naturally. Don’t become Sally the Salesperson. Be you and be authentic.

  • Engage with the group, comment in discussions and show you are an expert in your field. Solidify yourself as someone who knows what they are talking about, is genuine and caring, and happy to help. That way, once you do start talking about your business, you will have earned a reputation and the trust of the audience.


Facebook is a great place for the “you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours” when it comes to partners. So, use it!

  • Reconnect with strategic partners/referral partners to see why they haven't referred anyone to you in a while and ask them what you need to do for them to refer more people. Share their posts, comment, and engage them to see what their goals are and what you can do to help them reach their goals, while also getting them to help you reach yours.

  • Find new partners to partner up with. Send messages, engage on their posts, and grow some online relationships with other people and companies doing cool things. You can focus on people and companies in your industry, or just people and companies that would complement your company by having the same target market. Maybe you will need a partner to sponsor an event with you down the road, or a subcontractor to help with a client.

Schedule the time and make it happen!

If you make your daily Facebook checklist a scheduled event in your calendar, it will soon become a habit and you will reap the benefits of having an engaged Facebook page. Make the time for it, and you will see that your investment is well worth it. 30 minutes a day is nothing, especially when your Page starts bringing in new leads and clients.

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